
With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

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王永涛,工学博士,教授。完成指导硕士研究生8名(3名获校级优秀硕士论文,3名免试攻读985/211高校博士研究生,3名成为高校教师,1名就职于中石油),正在指导研究生9名。指导的研究生在Materials Chemistry Frontiers, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Dyes and Pigments等期刊发表SCI论文24篇。Dyes and Pigments, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces和Advanced Functional Materials等期刊审稿人。研究方向:1. 光电材料的合成与性能研究2. 药物分子设计及合成。讲授课程:本科教学:《化工分离工程》、《化工设备机械基础》、《化工技术经济学》、《化工原理实验》、《工程制图基础》、《化工仪表及自动化》、《医用有机化学》、《有机合成》等E-mail:wyt_shzu@163.com.工作经历:2009.8-2019.4 石河子大学,化学化工学院,副教授, 硕士生导师。2019.4-2021.11 桂林理工大学,化学与生物工程学院,副教授, 硕士生导师。2021.11-至今 桂林理工大学,化学与生物工程学院,教授, 硕士生导师。 教育经历:1997/9 - 2001/7,郑州大学,化学工程与工艺,工学学士。2001/9 - 2004/7,沈阳化工研究院(大连理工大学基础课1年),应用化学(染料合成及应用),工学硕士。2005/7 - 2008/12,湖南大学(暨南大学药学院做博士论文2年),应用化学(药物合成及活性研究),工学博士。获奖/荣誉:2018年 太阳能转换材料与器件的设计及基本物理问题研究 新疆建设兵团科技进步三等奖 排名第3主要研究项目:1.国家地区自然基金,主持, 编号21766030.2.国家地区自然基金,主持, 编号21566034.3.中组部“西部之光”访问学者4.广西自然科学基金面上项目,主持, 编号2024GXNSFAA010423.5.广西自然科学基金面上项目,主持, 编号2020GXNSFAA159147.6.桂林理工大学博士启动基金,主持, 编号GUTQDJJ2019038.7.国家自然基金面上项目,具有“水下超疏水”功能表面的结构、组成综合设计及防污性能研究,参与,排名:第2.8.兵团博士基金,相转移催化棉籽油环氧化及增塑PVC的研究,联合主持,排名:第2(2011BB008)9.石河子大学高层次人才科研启动资金专项,Rczx201017、酞菁类稀土钐配合物的转光性能研究,主持。10.石河子大学科学技术研究发展计划重点项目,xjs2010-zdgg02-05、新型导光导电咔唑衍生物的合成研究,主持。11.国家大学生创新计划,二苯甲酮类蝶形分子的制备及其OLED性能,编号201510759022,指导教师。代表性科研论文:[26] Jianmei Guo, Zhao Yupeng, Lei Ma* and Yongtao Wang*. Ultra-long room temperature phosphorescence, intrinsic mechanisms and application based on host-guest doping systems. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2024.[25] Jianmei Guo, Jiaqi Liu, Yupeng Zhao, Yongtao Wang*, Lei Ma* and Jianfeng Jiang. Time-dependent and clustering-induced phosphorescence, mechanochromism, structural-function relationships, and advanced information encryption based on isomeric effects and host-guest doping. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2024[24] Lijuan Shi, Xueming Li, Yongtao Wang,* and Lei Ma. Single component long-lived dynamic room temperature phosphorescence with large-scale preparation and visible light excitation. Journal of molecular structure, 2024.[23] Yanjin He, Jiaqi Liu, Chenwei Hu, Yongtao Wang,* Lei Ma* and Yanjun Guo. Dicyanopyridine derivatives: One-pot preparation, ACQ-to-AIE transformation, light-conversion quality and photostability. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2024, 315:124227.[22] Jianfeng Jiang, Jiaqi Liu, Chenwei Hu, Yongtao Wang,*and Lei Ma*. Construction and fine tuning of host-guest doping systems and the underlying mechanism of room temperature phosphorescence. Dyes and Pigments, 2024, 222:111931. 引用频次:。[21] Jianmei Guo, Chenwei Hu, Jiaqi Liu, Yongtao Wang,*and Lei Ma*. Mechanochromism, tunable pure organic room temperature phosphorescence, single-molecule near-white emission, digital encryption, and anti-counterfeiting. Dyes and Pigments, 2024, 221:111760-68. 引用频次:1。[20] Yanjin He, Yongtao Wang,* Yanjun Guo* and Lei Ma. Fine adjustment of emission wavelength, light-conversion quality, photostability of blue-violet light conversion agents based on FRET effect. Dyes and Pigments, 2023, 217:111429-111439. 引用频次:3。[19] Jianfeng Jiang, Chenwei Hu, Yongtao Wang*, et al. Ultralong organic room-temperature phosphorescence, multiple stimulus responsiveness and high-level anti-counterfeiting based on multifunctional carbazolyl imidazolopyridine.  Materials Today Chemistry, 2023, 30:101548-101558.[18] Jianfeng Jiang, Yongtao Wang*, Lei Ma, et al. AIE activity, mechanochromic property and solvent inclusion of two β-diketones with tetraphenylethylene unit. Tetrahedron, 2023, 136:133355-133362. [17] Yuru Hu, Kai Wang, Yongtao Wang*, Lei Ma*. Perylene imide derivatives: structural modification of imide position, aggregation caused quenching mechanism, light-conversion quality and photostability. Dyes and Pigments, 2023, 210:11948-11957. 引用频次:7。[16] Yanjin He, Yongtao Wang*, Xueming Li*, Yanjun Guo* and Lei Ma. Breaking the bottleneck of organic light conversion agents: preparation, performance evaluation and intrinsic mechanism.Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2023, 288: 122161-122171. 引用频次:3。[15] Yongtao Wang*, Zhean Qian, Xueming Li, Anjun Qin, Yanjun Guo and Benzhong Tang. Polymorphism and light conversion properties of Anthracene-based isomers. Dyes and Pigments, 2022, 197:10988-10994.引用频次:6。[14] Yongtao Wang*, Zhean Qian, Xueming Li, Anjun Qin, Yanjun Guo and Benzhong Tang. Exploration of high-performance light conversion agent based on cyanostilbene and phenanthrenecarbonitrile backbone: E/Z and position isomerism, high-contrast Michael addition reaction activity and intramolecular photocyclization. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9, 12681-12693. 引用频次:9。[13] Wenjing Liu, Yongtao Wang*, Jinfeng Yang, Xueming Li*, Xiaojuan Wang*, Lei Ma. The abnormal solvatochromism, high-contrast mechanochromism and internal mechanism of two AIE-active β-diketones. Dyes and Pigments, 2020, 175:108149 -108156. 引用频次: 19。[12] Yongtao Wang*, Wenjing Liu, Litong Ren, et al. Deep insights into polymorphism initiated by exploring multicolor conversion materials. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 3: 1661-1670. 引用频次:26[11] Wenjing Liu, Yongtao Wang*, Guixian Ge*, et al. Exploration the inherent mechanism of polymorphism and mechanochromism based on isomerism and AIE theory. Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 171:107663-107669. 引用频次: 14。[10] Wenjing Liu, Yongtao Wang*, Guixian Ge*, et al. Design, synthesis, photophysical properties and intrinsic mechanism of two difluoroboron β-diketonate complexes with TPE and N-alkyl pyrrole units. Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 171, 107704-107710. 引用频次: 12。[9] Yongtao Wang*, Yongjiang Yu, Wenjing Liu, et al. Exploration of highly efficient blue violet light conversion agents for an agricultural film based on structure optimization of Triphenylacrylonitrile. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66(50), 13295-13330.引用频次:15.[8] Yongjiang Yu, Yongtao Wang*, Wenjing Liu, et al. Exploration of highly efficient light conversion agents for agricultural film based on the bay-substituted perylene diimides derivatives. Dyes and Pigments, 2018, 159, 483-490. 引用频次:24。[7] Yunpeng Qi, Wenjing Liu, Yongtao Wang,* et al. The inherent mechanism of mechanochromism under different stress: electron cloud density distribution, J-type stacking, pore structure and collapse of J-type stacking. New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42:11373-11380. 引用频次:16。[6] Yunpeng Qi, Yongtao Wang,* Guixian Ge*, et al. Multi-state emission properties and the inherent mechanism of D-A-D type asymmetric organic boron complexes. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5:11030-11038. 引用频次:67。[5] Yunpeng Qi, Yongtao Wang,* Yongjiang Yu, et al. Exploring the high efficient light conversion agents for agricultural film based on aggregation induced emission effects. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 11291-11297. 引用频次:46[4] He Zhao, Yongtao Wang,* Harrington Steven, et al. Remarkable substitution influence on the mechanochromism of cyanostilbene derivatives. RSC Advances, 2016, 6:66477-66483. 引用频次:33 [3] Yunpeng Qi, Yongtao Wang,* Yongjiang Yu, et al. High-contrast mechanochromism and polymorphism-dependent fluorescence of difluoroboron β-diketonate complexes based on the effects of AIEE and halogen. RSC Advances, 2016, 6:33755-33762. 引用频次:56[2] He Zhao, Yang Wang, Yongtao Wang*, et al. AIE-active mechanochromic materials based N-phenylcarbazol-substituted tetraarylethene for OLED applications. RSC Advances, 2015, 5(25):19176-19181. 引用频次:23[1] He Zhao, Yongtao Wang*, Zhiyong Liu*, et al. Specific Cu(II) detection using a novel tricarbazolyltristriazolotriazine based on photoinduced charge transfer. RSC Advances, 2014, 4: 13161-13166. 引用频次:8发明专利[1] CN2023114977285;CN2023114009443;CN2023104562473。教学论文[1]王永涛, 薛梅. 有机化学实验教学中存在的问题及对策. 教学教育论坛. 2017, 第5期: 263-264.[2]王永涛, 薛梅. 学科认证下改革工程制图基础教学过程. 教学教育论坛. 2017, 第6期: 114-115.[3]王永涛, 刘峥. 化工设备机械基础教学中的体会与对策. 江西化工. 2019, 第6期: 273-275.学术会议齐云鹏, 王永涛, 于永江等. 基于卤素和聚集诱导增强效应的二氟化硼β-二酮配合物的力致变色及同质多晶荧光性能研究. 中国化学会第30届学术年会.出版教材主编:化工生产工艺技术及应用研究;参编:化学化工前沿概论。

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